...unless you're nursing him and he's been asleep for 5 hours!!!!!!
Yep, that's right! Grady slept from 12:50 a.m. to 6 a.m.! And yes, I did get up and go check on him at 5:30 to make sure he was breathing. Last night we decided to let him sleep in his nursery instead of in our room. We weren't getting sleep because of all his little noises. He's been taking most of his naps in his big boy crib so we decided to experiment overnight. And it went fabulously! I know it's early, but I think we're all going to be better for him being in his own room.
Here are a few things we've learned about our little guy:
1. He has two distinct cries: the first one is more of a whimper and is just a little pitiful, like he just wants to be cuddled, and the other sounds like a shrieking pterodactyl, and means he's either dirty, hungry or both.
2. He is completely unaffected by Hayes' barks, without so much as a flinch. I however am completely annoyed by his constant barking at neighbors and birds.
3. His most awake time during the 24 hours is still from about 12 to 1 in the morning.
4. He doesn't mind being in his car seat as long as he is in motion (either me carrying him or the car or stroller moving)
5. We've decided that he looks a little like each of us, but looks perfectly like Grady Daniel Bailes, meaning we've pretty much given up on trying to figure out which of us he looks more like.
6. He has the cutest little grin in the entire world. It's big and open-mouthed and reminds me so much of Jon every time.
7. When he sleeps, he sometimes has little dreams and grins and laughs during them. Also, the most adorable thing ever.
8. When it's time to eat, he's ready to eat! He sometimes gets so excited that his arms and legs fly around, like he's doing side crunches and then he starts snorting. This cracks me up every single time. He's a little spastic, but we love him through it!
9. He loves his swing, bouncie seat, music, and his mobile.
10. He most definitely recognizes Daddy and Momma's voices, and turns his head to look for us when he hears us talking to him.
We're enjoying getting to know him more and more everyday, as his little personality continues to develop. Finally, here are some recent pictures...
