Friday, May 28, 2010

Trip to Owensboro

We went to Owensboro to visit Jon's family yesterday.  We just went for the day so it was fun-filled, and maybe a bit overwhelming for little G-man.  Josh, Jessi and Gus were in town and it was Gus' first time meeting fun.  Gus was so sweet with him.  He wanted to give him hugs and hold him.  It really was super cute.  Hopefully they'll be big friends as they get older.  Having babies makes me want to be around our families all that much more, and it becomes all that much more difficult to make it happen.  Anyway...we had pictures taken of the boys together and some family pics taken too.  Here they are!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Trip to Atlanta

Grady and I took our first solo trip to Atlanta to stay with my mom and dad for the weekend. Grammie and Pop had 14 people staying in their new home. We had a blast. It was Grady's first time meeting Aunt Lauren and her boyfriend Carl, Aunt Amy and cousin Bella, Aunt Donna and Uncle David, Aunt Nancy and Mawmaw. It was a trip full of new faces and fun people for Grady to play with. And he was all smiles this weekend, although the pictures I'm posting don't really show it. Thanks to Aunt Nancy, here are a few of the pictures documenting the weekend. I took the weekend off of camera duty.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

A Baby Quilt

Our friends Freddie and Jenn, who have been in the adoption process for several months, just found out yesterday that they are getting a little girl in a couple of months. She's due July 18th so it could be even sooner than that. Here is a picture of the quilt that I started making her when I found out they were adopting a little girl. Obviously it is not completed. I'll post more pics when I'm done with it.

The back

The front

We are sooooo excited for them. What an adventure they have ahead of them!

Monday, May 17, 2010

A Day Full of Fun

Grady slept in today. He woke up at 7 :50, ate and went straight back down until 10:30, and woke up happy and cooing. Too sweet!

Grady got to meet his Uncle Zac for the first time today. They had a really good time together. Grady even gave Zac a few smiles.

Then we got dressed and went to Lexington to find Jon his first Father's Day gift. Yes, I know it's early but I'm going back to work in the beginning of June and am worried that I won't have the time to run those errands after I go back. I know I'll get the hang of doing it all, but I can't imagine life with a baby and a job right now!

We went to a friend's birthday party tonight, then came home and Daddy gave Grady a bedtime bath. He loves his Daddy! He seriously thinks Jon's the funniest thing ever!

Friday, May 14, 2010

2 Month Check Up...

Grady had his 2 month check up with Dr. Riley today. Let me just tell ya...getting shots is the pits! I hated watching his little face go from smiling and happy to completely traumatized! He turned red as a tomato, open mouth, tongue out, crying without breathing until the third shot was over. I fed him almost immediately and he was soothed and got over it quickly. Thank you God! I really almost cried watching him cry. It was awful. I guess I should be thankful that I'm the only one of the two of us who will remember this traumatic event.

Anyway...he is certainly a growing boy! He now weighs 10 lbs, 13.5 oz. (28 percentile), 23.5 inches long (66%), and his head circumference is 39.5 cm (36%). He's on the small side, but the doc is looking for an upward curve for Grady, not in relation necessarily to the other 99 babies.

Dr. Riley put it to me this way: A 2 year old is expected to gain 3 lbs. and 3 inches in 1 year. Grady gained 3 lbs and 4 inches in 6 weeks! Doc says that is superb! I'll tell you right now, I'm going to enjoy these days when I can still manage to carry the car seat with him in it! He is helping to build my arm muscles already.

Anyway...he's doing well, even after his first round of vaccines. He's been a little sleepier than normal today, but I can't really complain about that. Better sleepy than fussy is my motto for Dr. visits.

Here are a few more pics from the past week.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Monday, May 10, 2010


Aren't these the cutest forehead wrinkles you have ever seen? Grady's little wrinkles happen anytime he looks up. They make his forehead extra fun to kiss.

I'm realizing that I need to start getting Jon to take more pictures of me with Grady. You'd think I never hold him!

Saturday, May 8, 2010


I wish someone had told me that getting an 8 week old to know that he needs to take naps would be so difficult. I think this has been the most challenging part of being a mom. He does fine at night, but I think if I can get him to sleep well during the day, he'll sleep through the night in the next few weeks....and isn't that every new mom's goal?

I was reading somewhere that babies develop brain cells and a larger capacity for learning new things while they are sleeping. If they aren't getting adequate sleep throughout the day, then when they are awake they will be too worn out to really learn and meet their milestones.

I had a little heart-to-heart with Grady the other night and told him all of this information. I'm pretty sure our little talk convinced him!
I also called my friend Jenny two days in a row asking for napping advice. I needed mommy counseling. Thanks to her advice, and my little talk with Grady, he is doing much better, and getting better every day. I'm so glad!

I'm hoping that soon I can say that he loves naps!

Friday, May 7, 2010

This is the verse that I've been praying over Grady since he was born. I pray that he would be completely dependent on the Lord to know what his next step is at every point in his life. It is truly a privilege to be his momma!

"Show me the right path, O Lord;
point out the road for me to follow.

Lead me by your truth and teach me,
for you are the God who saves me.
All day long I put my hope in you."

Psalm 25:4-5