Anyway...he is certainly a growing boy! He now weighs 10 lbs, 13.5 oz. (28 percentile), 23.5 inches long (66%), and his head circumference is 39.5 cm (36%). He's on the small side, but the doc is looking for an upward curve for Grady, not in relation necessarily to the other 99 babies.
Dr. Riley put it to me this way: A 2 year old is expected to gain 3 lbs. and 3 inches in 1 year. Grady gained 3 lbs and 4 inches in 6 weeks! Doc says that is superb! I'll tell you right now, I'm going to enjoy these days when I can still manage to carry the car seat with him in it! He is helping to build my arm muscles already.
Anyway...he's doing well, even after his first round of vaccines. He's been a little sleepier than normal today, but I can't really complain about that. Better sleepy than fussy is my motto for Dr. visits.
Here are a few more pics from the past week.
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